Pobre Rico

139 x 60 min. approx.

Freddy Pérez y Nicolás Cotapos llevan hasta ahora una vida normal. Son dos chicos alegres y están muy cómodos en cada uno de sus mundos. Mientras el Rucio vive con su madre Eloísa y su hermana Megan en condiciones económicas más escasas, Nicolás se debate entre la riqueza y el glamour de pertenecer a una de las familias más poderosas y millonarias del país. Pero de un día para otro experimentarán un cambio radical y deberán enfrentar una noticia que remecerá sus vidas: hace 17 años las guaguas de ambas familias fueron cambiadas al nacer en un frío hospital sureño, donde se produjo este error que pondrá de cabeza la vida de los Cotapos y los Pérez.


The Switch

139 x 60 min. approx.

Freddy Perez (Simón Pesutic) and Nicolas Cotapos lead a normal life until now. The two boys are happy and comfortable in each of their worlds. While Freddy lives with his mother Eloisa and sister Megan in scarce economic conditions in Cerro Navia, Santiago, Nicolas is torn between the wealth and glamor of belonging to one of the richest and most powerful families in Chile. But one day they experience a radical change and face the news that will mark their lives: 17 years ago the babies of both families were switched at birth in a cold southern hospital.

When the families discover this error, it quickly becomes national news because of the fame of the powerful Cotapos family. The decision of what to do is settled in court. A court decision forces both teenagers to live for a year with their biological families. When they turn 18 they may decide for themselves who they would like to live with.